Sunday, October 15, 2023

Conversation between journalist Bret Stephens and Margaret Hoover on October 7, 2023 terrorist attacks against Israel, and the international reaction on Firing Line

"My definition of terrorism is the systematic and deliberate attack, the murder, maiming, and menacing of innocents, of civilians, for political goals." ...  "Those who fight with terroristic means end up being masters of terrorist states."  - Benjamin Netanyahu, Firing Line (May 30,1986)

..."It describes so many other post-colonial states that came into existence from people who described themselves as freedom fighters, but used terroristic means and then ended up creating despotisms in their own societies. Its not unique to the Palestinians." - Bret Stephens, Firing Line (October 13, 2023)

This is the third blog entry on the unfolding events in Israel, and the international reaction to the Hamas terrorist attacks against innocent Israelis provides a profound reflection by journalist Bret Stephens on the October 13, 2023 episode of Firing Line with Margaret Hoover. It is required viewing, and available here.

The other entries raise different concerns, and are complementary to this one.

The first entry, a fact sheet was posted on October 11, 2023 which documents that the Jewish people are both the indigenous and ancestral people of the land they currently live in known as Israel. 

The second entry raised an important question: "Why are US taxpayer dollars going to UNESCO to advance the ideology of Ernesto "Che" Guevara that inspire Hamas terrorists?" It also offered evidence, and links substantiating them.

A fourth, and related blog entry was posted on the eve of the October 7th attacks on the 50th anniversary of the surprise attack against Israel by Muslim states, North Korea, ad Cuba.

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