A Mass for the eternal repose of Laura Pollán was held at La Ermita de la Caridad on October 15 at 8:00pm. Many of the political prisoners now exiled who, in large part, owe their freedom to the Ladies in White took attended and paid their respects. As did many of the Ladies in White now exiled. Some traveled from long distances to pay their respects. Pictures and videos are posted below.
Press accounts expressed surprise at the tributes for Laura that are flooding cyberspace from the famous, the powerful and countless every day people whose lives she touched. The Mass at La Ermita was standing room only and along with the Ladies in White, former prisoners of conscience, a US Senator, a former Congressman, and a commandant of the revolution the general public gathered to pray for her immortal soul on a rainy Saturday night dodging heavy downpours.

Early the next day it was announced in both the mass media and social media that a special Mass for the eternal repose of Laura Pollán would be held that same night, Saturday, October 15 at 8pm.
Cardinal Raymond L. Burke in CatholicCulture.org presents in an article "On the Christian Burial of the Dead" why this type of mass for the recently departed is so important:
Praying for the dead is an integral part of our Christian life; it is one of the spiritual works of mercy. Our prayer for the dead both honors their memory and expresses our faithful love as we assist them to be purified of any temporal punishment due to sin and to reach their final destiny and lasting home with God. The Catechism of the Catholic Church instructs us about the importance of prayer for the dead:
From the beginning the Church has honored the memory of the dead and offered prayers in suffrage for them, above all the Eucharistic sacrifice, so that, thus purified, they may attain the beatific vision of God. The Church also commends almsgiving, indulgences, and works of penance undertaken on behalf of the dead. (No. 1032)
According to the Cardinal, "There is no more effective means to express our love and provide spiritual help for those who have died than to have the Mass offered for the eternal repose of their souls."
"A person as left us who very much loved liberty. We must agree that Laura was a person who struggled mightily for freedom and she has left but she left us a remembrance, a gift, a seed that she planted: The Ladies in White. Let us pray her and also pray for what she sowed. So that it will continue. Today we pray in a special manner for the freedoms that she sacrificed for. Let us fight for that and pray for that." [...]

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